Would you like to increase your prices by 2%? By 5%? By 100%?
This engaging and fascinating session, delivered with enthusiasm and energy, explores what makes us all tick, and explains how an understanding of human psychology can help you to get a better price for your product or service.
Find out how we decide on a price, learn how this applies to business decisions as much as consumer pricing decisions, and then discover different ways to get a higher price for whatever you sell.
You will leave this webinar with a number of ideas that you can apply to your business immediately, and with almost no cost, such as:
• One simple thing that will increase your average order value
• How to differentiate your business from your competition, so your customers no longer compare prices
• An easy change to your price that costs nothing and improves your negotiating position
• Why you might want to call your product The Super 2400
• How adding a zero can boost your sales
• How dropping a zero can boost your sales
David Abbott
David is an international speaker, helping audiences to discover simple ways to improve their pricing.
After studying Engineering Science and Economics at Oxford he worked in marketing and business management. He ran a £56m mail order company where pricing is crucial, has run businesses from startups to the UK divisions of major multinationals, and has held senior marketing roles in a wide variety of industries. He currently works at an executive level with clients helping them with their marketing and pricing.
David has written a bestselling book about pricing called ‘How To Price Your Platypus’.
Notice: This event is open only to members and associates of the IFT, if you are a member, please sign in to book. For more information on becoming a member please click here