CPD Events - The Institute For Turnaround

MARKET REFRESH: Panel Discussion ‘After the Crash’

In our next Market Refresh event, we have an exciting panel discussion bringing together IFT members to talk about their experience of the 2008 crash. Our panellists will reflect upon and share their experiences of the last crash, and consider its effect on the market, trends since, and what this means in 2021.

The panel will include IFT Independent Members Nina Warwick and Ian Gray, and IFT Member Huw Dolphin of DLA Piper. The panel will be chaired by IFT Honorary Fellow, Duncan Parkes.

The panel discussion will be followed by Q&A. Please feel free to send your questions in advance to Riyah Davies.

This webinar is especially targeted at our Independent Members and those within Boutiques.

*To register for this event please email RDAVIES@THE-IFT.COM at the IFT who will send you the registration link. Please do not use the registration form below*

MARKET REFRESH: IFT Branding and ‘How to Pitch’

In our next Market Refresh event, Riyah Davies at the IFT will present the different forms of IFT branding and resources available to IFT Members, which can help support you and the work you do.

This will be followed by a presentation with David Stone, Independent IFT Member, to discuss how to ‘pitch’ and position yourself in the turnaround community, particularly at this challenging time.

There will be opportunity for a Q&A discussion which will be chaired by IFT CEO, Milly Camley.

This webinar is especially targeted at our Independent Members and those within Boutiques.

*To register for this event please email RDAVIES@THE-IFT.COM at the IFT who will send you the registration link. Please do not use the registration form below*

West & Wales CPD Event

The upcoming West & Wales CPD event will be taking place on Tuesday 8th October and will be hosted by TLT Solicitors in Bristol.



Registration: 17:30

Start 18:00


Ian Oakley-Smith will be discussing turnaround in the charity sector.

Ian was part of PwC‘s Business Recovery Services team for 30 years, until he retired from the firm earlier this year.  From 1998, he specialised in the charity sector, working with a wide range of charities needing restructuring or insolvency support. He has worked with many high-profile charities in need of turnaround. In 2014, Ian also became PwC‘s Head of Charities, coordinating its commercial relationships with its charity clients across all lines of service.

Charities operate in an increasingly challenging and complex environment. Despite this, they are often thinly resourced and governed by volunteers. Inevitably, this means that they may need to call upon the services of turnaround professionals to help them avoid disaster.

Working with a charity in such circumstances can often present challenges for the turnaround professional, which are different to those experienced in equivalent commercial situations.  These differences can stem from the nature of the people involved, the desire to put the “cause” before financial security and, at times, a false sense that the charity in question “won’t be allowed to fail“.


Our [two hour] session will focus on these differences. We will hear from Ian Oakley Smith on his experience working with charities over many years and have the opportunity to discuss, on a Chatham House basis, the experience of delegates in order to learn from each other.

Leadership: How to be Sure you’re Covering all Bases

Our upcoming West & Wales region CPD event will feature Caroline Gourlay, Independent Business psychologist discussing leadership.

About this Event

Preceding every turnaround situation is a failure of leadership; there is something the incumbent leadership team failed to do or did badly. Turnaround professionals need to quickly assess where they should focus their effort and attention to get things back on track. In this interactive session, Caroline will present a practical model which explores the tasks of leadership and look at what happens when too much emphasis is placed on some tasks at the expense of others. This will provide a framework for considering how to lead a particular turnaround situation, how to play to your own personal strengths and where you might need to bring in others to support you.

For those who attended the national conference, this will be an opportunity to take a deeper dive into the model Caroline will be presenting when she chairs a session on leadership in turnaround.