May 2020 - The IFT

IFT Breakfast Webinar: The impact of COVID-19 on supply chain management

The IFT will be hosting the IFT Breakfast Webinar: The impact of COVID-19 on supply chain management taking place on Thursday 14th May between 08:00 – 09:00.

This webinar will have both a short term and medium term focus looking at the immediate impacts of coming out of a lockdown scenario on supply chains and how the effects this will have on the business models of companies.

These topics will be discussed through a panel consisting of Ian Parker – Independent member, Kelly Jones – Kingsgate and Ian Morgan – PwC. There will be a focus on the financial health of supply chains, the impacts of the varying access to skilled workers during social distancing, as well as other topics.

To register for the webcast please follow this link*: IFT Webinar: The impact of COVID-19 on supply chain management

*Please do not sign up using the member sign up below as this will not register for the webinar as it is hosted on an external website.

Creating Value by Ken Scott

We recently published a new report, Unlocking Value, Saving Jobs: The Contribution of Turnaround to Business and People, demonstrating the vital role IFT members make in saving jobs and preserving value for UK plc. The report aims to increase understanding of turnaround as an essential business discipline that can help avoid unnecessary insolvencies, especially at a time when business recovery is even more important to the economy and to people.

The report also demonstrates how turnaround establishes the inherent value in businesses.  Here, IFT member, Ken Scott, draws on his experience as a business leader and turnaround expert, citing examples of how businesses have pivoted during the Covid-19 disruption to rethink their value proposition.

You can read Ken’s full article here.

Unlocking Value, Saving Jobs: The Contribution of Turnaround to Business and People

When businesses go bust, the economic fallout can be catastrophic. Individuals – and sometimes large parts of the community – lose their jobs. Vital services cease overnight. Enterprise value – a vital underpinning of a dynamic economy – is lost.

In this report, Unlocking Value, Saving Jobs: The Contribution of Turnaround to Business and People, we shine a light on the huge contribution IFT members make and the value they create for society and the economy.

IFT members preserve jobs and livelihoods, uphold local industries, protect economic value and strengthen public service organisations.  In this report, we estimate that in 2019 IFT members and corporate partners saved more than 200,000 jobs and protected £2 billion in enterprise value.

Our research, which predates the Covid-19 disruption, also shows that in 2019 over 130,000 companies in the UK were showing signs of distress. We expect the spread of Covid-19 to drive higher demand for turnaround services for the remainder of 2020 and beyond. That is why this report broadens understandings of turnaround as an essential business discipline that can help avoid unnecessary insolvencies, especially at a time when business recovery is even more important to the economy and to people.

To download the report please click here.

To download the IFT press release for this report please click here.

For press information and media enquiries please contact:

Francesca Rivett-Carnac ( / 07966 227 390)

Grace French ( / 07906 630 501)


You can also view and download our infographics for the report:

DNA of a Turnaround Director 

Key Turnaround Measures 

The Stages of a Turnaround 

Turnaround Timeline